Enrichment & Activities

KES Academy is strongly committed to the added value of learning outside the classroom and beyond the academy’s premises. It seeks to provide a broad & balanced range of ‘learning outside the classroom’ opportunities for all its students.

Each year the academy will arrange a number of activities that take place off the academy site and out of academy hours, which support our aims. The range of activities to which the governing body has given its approval includes:
  • Out-of-hours clubs (music, drama, art, science, sport, homework, etc.)
  • Sports teams
  • Regular local visits (places of worship, swimming, other local amenities)
  • Day visits for particular groups
  • Residential visits
  • Overseas visits
  • Adventure activities.
Examples of this include:
  • The Year 7 History trip to Castle Acre, designed to offer activities and experiences that cannot be delivered via normal lessons
  • The Year 7 and 8 trip to Eurodisney, the Year 9 and 10 French exchange to Rodez to develop language skills
  • The Year 11, 12 and 13 Religious Education trip to the prison of war camps in Auschwitz, Poland
  • The Year 10-13 trip to China for sports
  • Language leaders and the sixth form trip to Boston, USA for sports leadership and widening horizons on future education pathways.

Enrichment and Clubs

Day Activity Location/ Time Year Group(s) Teacher
Every Day Homework Club

Library, every lunch break

All Mr Stephens
  Engineering Catch Up Sessions After School All Mr Blake
Monday Year 11 Lunchtime Year 11 only Mr Hogger
  Homework Club After school in C11 and C12 for an hour, then in Library for a second hour. All Mr Stephens
  Cricket and Rounders Sports Hall All PE Team
  Year 11 Revision - Sociology C5 After School All All
Tuesday Eco Club

After school

All Mr Hogger
  Duke of Edinburgh

A3 Lunchtime

Year 9 only Mr Wheeler
  Biology Revision After School (4pm to 4.45pm) All Mrs Kingston
  Year 11 Lunchtime Year 11 only Mr Hogger
  Year 11 - pushing to get a 7-9 C5 Lunchtime Year 11 only Mrs Altunok
  Tennis  Sports Hall All PE Team
Wednesday Science Club E2 After School All Mr Cutterham
  KES Songsters A8 After School All Mrs Nicholls
Thursday Scrabble Library - Lunchtime All Mrs Kingston
  Duke of Edinburgh A3 Lunchtime Year 10 only Mr Wheeler
  Eco Club After School All  Mrs Kingston
  Athletics  Sports Hall All PE Team
Friday Chess Club C4 After School All Mr Douglas
  Warhammer Club E5 After School All Mr Seville
  Science Revision A3 - weekly until end of GCSE exams All Mr Wheeler
  French Revision D10 After School All Mrs Finch


House Events

Date Event/ Location Year Group(s)

Monday 15th April

Football mixes (Mugga) Years 7 & 8
Monday 15th April Basketball  Years 7 & 8
Wednesday 17th April Indoor Cricket Years 7 & 8
Thursday 18th April Science Challenge (E1/2) All Years including 6th Form
Friday 19th April Basketball (Staff vs Students) All Years 
W/C 22nd April  Maths Challenge in Form Time (SPARX) All Years
Friday 26th April Dodgeball (Sports Hall) Years 7 & 8
Friday 26th April All Years Gaming (C9) All Years including 6th Form
W/C 29th April Literacy Challenge (Form Time) All Years
Friday 3rd May House Karaoke (Main Hall) All Years including 6th Form
Friday 10th May Rounders (Staff PE vs Main School) Years 7-10
Monday 6th to Friday 10th May House Photography (online) All Years including 6th Form
Monday 13th May Capture the Flag All Years
W/C 13th May House Values Challenge Week All Years
Monday 20th May  Tennis Years 7-10
Monday 20th May  Rounders 

Year 7 vs Year 8 

Year 9 vs Year 10

Monday 20th May  Cage Cricket (Mugga) All Years
Friday 24th May  Handball All Years